Greetings, everyone. I’ve been writing forever, it seems. I wrote three novels and managed to get an agent, but he unfortunately couldn’t sell any of them, so I self-published. I decided several years ago to write screenplays. I know it’s extremely difficult for a beginner to get recognized by industry professionals, but I figured I would give it a shot. Sound familiar? I’m a history buff, so I tend to write stories that are considered period pieces. I realize it’s a hard nut to crack in terms of getting representation and having a script optioned, made and distributed. I have started writing a few stories that take place today, so I think I’m starting to maintain a balance.
My stories fall in several categories: historical thriller, psychological thriller, and historical drama. I did venture out and write a Sci-Fi script because I had a story I thought needed to be told.
I’m just starting to network, as I have been busy writing which for me constitutes a full day’s work. My goal is no different than other aspiring writers. I would love to have an agent get excited about my work, get representation, and eventually get optioned, and so on.
Cheers, and happy writing!
Hi, Richard. Welcome~ You will find a lot of great people and advice on S32. It's a great community and you never know who will notice your work and want to represent you. Just keep connecting and tell more about your work. Like, what makes it better than other thrillers, etc... Have a wonderful weekend!!