Filmmaking / Directing : Wanting to connect with kindred spirits by Scott Danzig

Scott Danzig

Wanting to connect with kindred spirits

While there are plenty of opportunities on Stage32 to find people to fill various roles for cast and crew for a film production, I'm looking to connect with the directors/producers/filmmakers who take an idea or a screenplay and push it through the filmmaking process. I've been nose to the grindstone with my filmmaking for over 8 years now, self-taught, learning all that I can in any way that I can while always producing/directing and lately shooting films with a heap of my own equipment. I find I'm doing nearly everything, but in 2019 I'm moving to a larger city, TBD, and I'm planning to hire good crew and maybe start a feature.

To be frank, I want to start connecting with people with work that inspires me, and who carry the torch like I do, stopping at nothing to make sure their visions become reality. You can see my latest trailer and reel on my profile page as an example of my work. I'm hoping people here will reach out that I can exchange ideas, knowledge, and connections with, and, if it makes sense and there's creative synergy, maybe collaborate. At the very least, people to share a beer with at a film festival?

Please reach out to me if you're on board, along with some examples of the stuff you've done?

Scott Danzig

Will do, Willem! I’d love to learn more about what you have listed there. I’ll send a message later tonight!

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Scott, its great you can work the equipment yourself. At least I know what all the techie stuff does LOL. Sounds like you been busy the last eight years. I started at this four years ago, did foundation courses in film in Spain and London and then another three years training under different directors. I'm refining my show reel of six genres, and done a few shorts, and planned feature. I've not put a public link to the shorts yet because I am using them for private pitches for features and branding but have bits and pieces to show anyone I hook up with. Are you in Europe or USA? I carry the torch!!!

Sam Borowski

Scott, Love your passion! But, one thing I've seen with a lot of younger filmmakers is that the passion has to be channeled. If you get a chance, please go to the Blogs page and scroll down and click the 2 to get to the second page and right at the top, see the Blog titled, How to Get an Independent Film Made & Distributed. Give it a read, as I think you'll love it. Shameless plug - I wrote it. But, it tells the story of a friend of mine, who is a famous television and movie actor, that made his directorial debut with a feature film. Should inspire you. Hopefully, if it does, you will be kind enough to click LIKE and leave a comment underneath it. Then, go to IMDb and check me out and you can see some of my work, who I've worked with, etc, etc. Or simply google me and a lot will come up. After that, reach out to me, and let's connect. Keep attacking the Giant Monolith that is the Film Industry! ;) GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! ;) ;) ;)

Scott Danzig

Debbie Croysdale , I'm in the USA... upstate New York specifically. Training under different directors? What was that like? Definitely want to see some of what you have, and hear some of the stories you've had. It seems like you're not shy of moving around. Huge advantage for you. I think it'd be nice to fly between countries working on different films, at least with other people's projects. I think working on your own film (especially a feature) is a lot easier when you've been in a film friendly area for a while and have some go to people and good talent to draw on. That's what I'm banking on. Have you begun forming that strong indie film group you were talking about?

Scott Danzig

Sam Borowski , thanks for the vote of confidence. I'm not that young :) I'm a slow reader and still have to give Rebel without a Crew a read. But any film books that come out as an audiobook I'm probably going to listen to :) So Sam, I've gave a try to see some of your films... I realized the video listed on your profile page, Getting Grace, is just a film you talked about here. Then I went on IMDB and got excited when I saw a trailer listed for a film Maniac that you directed...but was confused when the trailer started mentioning Elijah Wood. Then I realized the trailer got misapplied to your film AND the 2012 film of the same name. Still trying, but ran out of time for tonight :)

Sam Borowski

I have worked with Oscar-Winners Benicio Del Toro and Ernest Borgnine. Sure you've heard of them. ;) And, I've also worked with Emmy-Nominee Natasha Lyonne and 3-time-Emmy-Winner Keith David. You may be familiar with them, as well, I think? Oscar-Nominee Sally Kellerman? Or Mickey Rooney - the four-time Oscar-Nominee and Honorary Oscar-Winner? Oh, and Remember what I said about channeling that passion? ;) The last thing I will say is Good Luck to you.

Doug Nelson

Yeah, Ernie was a kick-in-the-pants fun guy to work with and he sure looked the part perched behind the wheel of his bus. Scott, ambition and passion are the foundation of a successful filmmaker - sounds like you got that part down but now you need to beat the bushes for action minded brethren. I like your phrase 'a rebel without a crew' - boy do I emphasize with that. Stage 32 is a good starting platform, but it's not the do-all, be-all answer. Look locally under every rock and leaf you find. All the best wishes in your quest.

Scott Danzig

Sam Borowski , just to be clear, wasn’t challenging you, just wanted to see your stuff and maybe talk shop.

Scott Danzig

Doug Nelson , Yeah, I definitely look at much more than stage32... recently remembered about the site and posted this, but also had tried to round up filmmakers during my time in Binghamton ... I love what you’re doing in Oregon btw, focusing on actually making stuff rather than yapping, and I got a laugh out of what SLB stands for :). I plan to beat the bushes and make myself useful when I move later this year, and be less of a big or at least hungry fish in a small pond. A pond with no rental houses. :/

Sam Borowski

Scott, I just wrote a response and somehow lost all of it - lol. Why don't you connect with me and I can point you in the right direction to my work. My work is not available for FREE on the net, not even my shorts, but there are some trailers and even an opening to one of my features is on YouTube - lol - it's not supposed to be, but you know how that goes. There's not only trailers, I can send you a protected link and some other goodies in an email once we connect. I'm always down to talk shop. GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! <3

Debbie Croysdale

Hi @Scott. Re your question to myself on what training with other directors like? COOL. Firstly, as no doubt you already know, directing is a passion that comes from inside. There are a number of self taught directors, because after learning the physical “Necessities”. Eg Scene blocking, Shots, Camera angles, Studio Speak, Visuals, The actor/director role Etc etc, their own personality drives the cogs. There is no Academy as such, that can install a burning desire to want to be the “catalyst” between script and performer to create the CHARACTER. I would be making stuff, even if had not been a student but I felt a deep need to connect with people who shared my passion. Josh Appignanesi, Tim Fywell, Chris Thomas, Simon Hunter, Jonas Grimas and David Pope. Each director I trained under brought aspects of their own individual psyche to the table. A third dimensional, invisible ingredient, stemming from their own personal talent and history in film. I can honestly say that each of them in turn, took me to some other place in directing, that the others had not. EVERY set needs the correct technological physicality in place, as needed to portray the scene to best advantage, in sound and visuals but the mindset of the director brings infinite possibility to end product. I don’t want this journey to end and Im looking forward to being mentored by John Boorman later on this year. I can direct with nobodies help, in my own unique way, but if I have spare time enjoy the spark of watching the hat tricks of the gurus. Will answer question on my Indie group separately because I give long answers, too long for this space. @ALL HAPPY MONDAY!

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