Hello everyone.I introduce myself by sharing this point of view upon Vivaldi's RV580 Concerto for Four Violins.
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Nice! You a fan of Wendy Carlos?
Thank you . Unfortunately I do not know who Wendy Carlos is.
She made Switched on Bach and The Well-Tempered Synthesizer back in the late 1960s, as well as the scores for A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Tron. She did "classical" music with synthesizers. It's really good stuff.
I've already sent her a work.Thank you !
Nice! You a fan of Wendy Carlos?
Thank you . Unfortunately I do not know who Wendy Carlos is.
She made Switched on Bach and The Well-Tempered Synthesizer back in the late 1960s, as well as the scores for A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Tron. She did "classical" music with synthesizers. It's really good stuff.
I've already sent her a work.Thank you !