Introduce Yourself : I'm Writing a Feature Horror Script and Need readers for feedback by Scott Naar

Scott Naar

I'm Writing a Feature Horror Script and Need readers for feedback

Im introducing myself and my horror project "they", a feature about an emotionally damaged woman who tries to protect her niece from a dangerous and omnipresent cult that is relentlessly stalking them.

Christopher Poet

Scott Naar I would be happy to help you but alas, you are outside of my area of expertise. Good lick on the script though! And welcome to Stage 32 :)

Brian Alan DeLaney

Welcome Scott! I am a sucker for cult-based horror.

Phil Clarke

All the best with your horror script, Scott. Here if I can be of any support or service.

Ricky Hawthorne

Scott, if you aren't familiar with him, read some M R James. He'll put you in touch with the psychological apsects of the genre. I'm sure you will have the physical apects in mind. Good luck.

David A Stinson

Sounds great!

David A Stinson

I'd love to give it a read...

Scott Naar

I will send out a synopsis soon to all interested

Aaron Falvey

Good luck Scott. :)

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