Introduce Yourself : Not new, but been out for a while by Evelien And Dorien Twins

Evelien And Dorien Twins

Not new, but been out for a while

Hey alls,

We're definitely not new here but we've been away from S32 for a considerable amount of time due to family issues. We're writers in the process of producing something. Some say we might be taking our sweet time, others more informed know it's an uphill battle with ups and downs.

Sadly, we haven't been able to write as much as we wanted to in 2018 (RE: personal problems that are still ongoing) but we're hoping that will improve soon.

In the last couple of years, we had the chance to broaden our website building skills by making websites for creatives looking to showcase their works.

As per some examples, we invite you to visit http://// (Netflix' "Travelers" actress Leah Cairns official site) (photographer website)

Any feedback is appreciated (see also the MyStage section)

We've also been invited to write more blog content for S32 (the first one, about pitching, can probably still be found on this website), so we're looking forward to that.

We were super excited to find out our short script "Making Lemonade" made the top10 on the S32 short script competition so we hope to find more time pushing that out there this year. ,(any takers

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