Introduce Yourself : Novelist, Screenwrtier by Jean Gilbert

Jean Gilbert

Novelist, Screenwrtier

Hi everyone. It's great to see the talent out there. I feel privileged to be a part of the group. My goal this year is to spend more time networking. I hope to connect with you and to get to know your fields of interest better to help round out my writing skills. Cheers.

Everett Hood

Hi Jean. Same here. 2019 is my year to write, network and write some more. Nice to meet you.

Jean Gilbert

Nice meeting you. I don't spend much time networking. It goes against the grain. I want to write, not socialize! LOL

Everett Hood

I understand. Both require a lot of time.

Allen Lynch

Cheers Jean & Good Luck in 2019!

Jean Gilbert

Yeah, I'm better at one than the other. But, as I said, I'm going to try to put myself out there this year and be more social. This is a good place to start.

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