Screenwriting : Favourite writers to follow on Twitter. by Cherie Grant

Cherie Grant

Favourite writers to follow on Twitter.

I have recently decided that I am sick of the Twitter outrage mob and seeing anger everywhere. I have enough anger in me as it is. So I have unfollowed anyone who isn't writing related (or at least entertaining) and am looking for really inspiring, helpful, informative and interesting writers to follow. Especially Television writers, which is my particular interest. Any suggestions people?

Clayton Dudzic

Good call to move on from the writers you can't trust and follow, like the ones you do.

Dan MaxXx

Cherie Grant

Honestly, people get a twitter account and become utterly obnoxious dicks. Then they'll attack ppl who are on their side or ppl who dont want to be on a side and this shit I am so over. Writer's def not immune from this behaviour. Sick of the pile ons and retweeting of shitty posts. I need sane, levelheaded writers with equally minded followers. Everytime I go on twitter I just end up hating people. Not worth it. Also the less political the better. I am at saturation point here.

Steven Michael

Cherie - use it. I mean, use both the anger you have and the episodes/stupidity of twitter people to make you a better writer. Use it. Make something from it. Turn it from a negative into a positive. A wise person once told me that every time you run into a wall, FLIP IT. He meant, to use it in a beneficial way.

Cherie Grant

Eric, LOL.

(Warning: over share coming.)

Steven I can't. I have too much to deal with as it is and I've had enough negativity and being demonised in my life. I am sick and tired of being taken out of context, the wrong way or not listened to properly and then attacked for the wrong reasons. I am sick of seeing other ppl being attacked. I am in pain 24/7 so I have little resilience left for arseholes. (I spent five hours in hospital ER yesterday to come home to bullshit) I've been mercilessly bullied my whole life and the bullying on twitter from people whose side I am on is just too much and triggers too many bad memories. I dont have a quiet anger that can be used. I have an anger that feels very physical and It leaves me upset and drained all day. It affects me too deeply. Right now, physically I want to punch the shit out of every person who has wronged me. I cannot do that every day.

I want to concentrate SOLELY ON WRITING.

I really thought this would be an active thread with lots of suggestions and people talking about what writers they like and why.

Adam Harper

Me! I'm on there and I'm a pacifist. Although I don't talk much about craft as I'm still learning.

I too carried out a twitter cull recently and now my timeline is mostly informative and inspirational with only a hint of troll.

Cherie Grant

Thanks Adam, I'm actually looking for professional writers/showrunners and such that post a lot about writing from a working writer's perspective.

I know Eric and Steven mean well, but I don't need to be told how to handle things. I think I've shared enough information for ppl to understand why even though I shouldn't have to. I'm really disappointed in the lack of replies on the actual topic. I know everyone here follows favourite writers on Twitter so what? Am I not good enough? Am I a pariah? Is everyone on holiday? Is anyone out there? Wow this has me stumped.

Doug Nelson

Cherie; Facebook, twitter and all the rest of 'em - forgetaboutit. And forums such as this are pretty feeble in professionalism but they are best most got. I was a staff writer for a few years, I've been a Line Producer and a Field Producer and I have my own weenie cable tv show. I suppose that makes me pretty close to having been a 'professional' - but none of that matters. I'm retired but I still maintain relationships with a couple of Agents, a Showrunner, an Acquisitions Director, a couple of working Actors along with perhaps a dozen or so others but it all amounts to nothing. I know at least two (maybe more) working professionals who occasionally wander around these forums - the point is that there are a few These forums are also home to wannabes, learner, scammers, bullys, perpurlly angered control freaks and other ne'er-do-wells.

You want a writer to 'follow' - follow yourself.

Adam Harper

Hi Cherie, that hurt... kidding. I follow quite a lot of writers - Gennifer Hutchison is a good one that springs to mind. She wrote on Breaking Bad and writes on Better Call Saul. She's always posting good advice.

Dan MaxXx

okay I 'll make an effort to answer. Here are my go-to tv writers:

Brian Koppleman (Billions), LaToya Morgan (Into the Badlands), Monica Beletsky (Fargo, Friday Night Lights), Javier Marxuach (LOST, The Middleman), Leonard Chang (Snowfall)

Peter Roach

I never had a favorite. But I will say Mike Rich (Finding Forrester) because I met him last Friday night and he was the most charming patient person. PS* He is the only screenwriter I have met.

Mike Wallis (Good For Nothing) cuz that movie convinced me to stop writing 10,000 lies of dialogue.

Álex Pina ( Las Casa de Papel ) for complex plot , a back story for each character, and emotion, emotion emotion.

Cherie Grant

Doug, I just wanted some writers to follow to read for my enjoyment and learn from. That's all. Everyone is making more out of this than needs be.

Peter Roach

C. Robert Cargill gives great advice on twitter. I know, I have rewritten a couple scenes after reading his tweets.

Evelien And Dorien Twins

Jane Espenson is always fun to follow. She does daily write sprints to encourage writers to spend an hour (or some time every day) just writing.

Cherie Grant

Thanks Peter, I already follow Cargill. It's fun to read pro writers and take a break from writing. I dont' have to write every moment. I can take time out to relax and socialise and see what other writers are up to. It can be fun. You know fun is great for the health. Brian I have been purging as many political and nothing followers as possible. It's been a much more enjoyable feed since. Still, 90 percent are retweets from people I dont' know and that is still shitting me off.

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