Your Stage : Forego a latte, and help an orphan... by Joseph Steven

Joseph Steven

Forego a latte, and help an orphan...

Donate to Pay Off Little Simran's Hospital Bill

The hospital won't release 'untouchable' Indian orphan Simran until after her medical bill is paid.

She fell from the roof early in January 2019 and sustained a fractured skull and possible brain damage. Prayer has sustained her through the ordeal from being much worse.

Beyond normal help needed for food, clothing and shelter, the orphange now needs financial donations to pay for her hospital bill and her medicines. The director Pastor Sudhir Lal would also like treatment advice (transcripts on his FB page), due to deplorable conditions in health care and with staff there.

I can vouch for the authenticity of the orphange and its volunteer workers, as I visited and taught there in impoverished Potholi village near Agra personally in January 2016.

Would you please consider sending in a tiny amount, like just the cost of a Starbucks Latte ($4.65)? You can send your donations (and prayers) to



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