Composing : About music by Christopher Poet

Christopher Poet

About music

Okay, so long story short, I am setting up five episode web series running at about 5 pages per episode. If I were to include music and hire someone to make music for the episodes, what would it cost me? Does anyone have an idea of an estimate for the possible price or a minimal price?

Christopher Poet

Andrew Kopacz Really? Honestly not what I expected lol

Christopher Poet

Andrew Kopacz Well, I mean, 100 isn't bad and neither is 25. Both are more than do-able. Still, not going to lie, I was expecting this to be a bit higher of a cost. Not that I am complaining, because I am not.

Joel Irwin

There are lots of ways to negotiate a price with a composer. Sometimes, the price can be impacted by such things as who owns the copyright, is it a 'work for hire', who gets the income from a soundtrack if one is released. It can also be impacted by where the film is shown (festivals, online, cable, US theaters, non-US theaters). The composer will be interested in knowing what the projected film revenue stream will be, if any, and whether there will be any royalties based on the showing.

Another factor will be the 'market'. For example, composers in Southern California, often get paid (in my opinion) higher than smaller markets such as here in Texas (or in Arizona where you are). Also the price may be impacted by how many people are involved in the scoring - so for example, the price and budget could be higher if you use live musicians.

The type of payment varies widely and could also be impacted by the amount (number of minutes) of music and the time constraints / deadlines given to deliver final product. Some composers negotiate lump sums at different points (for example, up front, start of scoring, end of scoring, deferred payment) and others price based on the number of music delivered.

Finally, the type of film could impact the price - short, episode, feature, etc. and different composers may treat them differently (sometimes based on the number of minutes delivered). So for example, for me (and only me), I do not charge for shorts but I charge for everything else (and also if I score for a short and the filmmaker decides not to use the music after it was delivered).

So anything is negotiable... that is why entertainment lawyers make those big bucks :) and some of us use cookie cutter / boiler plate contracts :)

Angelos Tsoutsis

I can make 5 episodes for you for 50 euro per episode.Sorry for saying this in public but this is my price

Christopher Poet

Angelos Tsoutsis Thank you for the offer but I think we have this covered now.

Joel Irwin Thank you for the detailed overview. I am going to take notes on this and keep it on hand.

Linwood Bell

$5 an episode would scare me more than someone saying they'll do it for free. lol

Christopher Poet

Linwood Bell Wait why?

Linwood Bell

I've done plenty for cheap, spec, and free myself, but quoting $5 was a hoot.

Linwood Bell

Because he'll negotiate you to $2.50.

Christopher Poet

Linwood Bell Honestly, I am just looking for someone who is going to be willing to write/compose music fitting to the genre and story. If it cost me a hundred, then fine. If it cost me 25, better. If its free, I am still happy. However, as I discussed with Andrew Kopacz I am more interested in a long-term partner I can work with an rely on that is also capable of delivering justice to the story through the music and if that is what I can get, I will work with the price I am given. Sure, bargaining might be part of the process but I am more concerned about the quality than I am the price in this regard.

Music is one of the few added details that can make or break a film all on its own. I have seen otherwise good small films fall just because the music set it all off or disrupted the mood. In addition to the small number of fails i have seen, I have heard countless times both here and on other sites about how important it is for the music to fit with the story. Its one of those things that people who are new to the industry or unaware are not always conscious about until it bites them in the ass.

In any case, I am sure I don't need to rant here. I asked for what it would take, I got good advise and some reasonable offers. It gives me and my directors a bit to think about as we approach the final steps of building our crew.

Linwood Bell

It's nice to build those relationships Chris and indeed we have to help each other because God knows we all need it. I agree that music is an important part of any project. I meant no disrespect to you or Andrew.

Robert Lieblein

For $20, I'll fart in a microphone for you (you must purchase the Chili for me). $25 if you want some reverb.

Nick Ryan Carrassi

Hi! In the very beginning, I guess you can have access to our library. Great music, good quality, royalty-free. As soon as you're ready with a budget, we can offer more than 30 great composers that may offer different style and price. We'll be happy to discuss a long term partnership. Nick

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