Screenwriting : Once you have a Library of Scripts and Treatments, when should you pull the plug? by Kerry Patton

Kerry Patton

Once you have a Library of Scripts and Treatments, when should you pull the plug?

Hey folks! A total newbie here at Stage 32 so stay with me. But after several years writing a few traditionally published and self published books and now really hammering some screenplays and television pilots, when should one stop for a moment, take a breath, and really begin the quest for representation? I decided to start the search now but I also realize finding the right representation as a screenwriter is an amazingly complex and difficult task. So looking for some thoughts and advice. Thanks!

Bill Costantini

Congrats on those great accomplishments, first and foremost. You must have a lot of love for writing and telling stories, and that's awesome in itself.

If I were in your shoes, I'd take the one script that I felt was my best and most marketable, and I'd get it in the hands of a reputable script consultant for evaluation. I would just want to have a knowledgeable professional tell me "this is ready for pitching" before I took that next step.

Best fortunes to you in your creative endeavors, Kerry!

Kerry Patton

Thank you Bill! Unfortunately, and I say that knowing it is a double edged sword, what I believe is my best script is the one I am closest too due to the fact it is based on true events which I was in one way or another closely associate with. But< i did put it in a screenwriting contest and was notified I am a quarter-finalist. I know the competition is not one of the majors but I was just testing waters. Final results come out in the coming weeks. Creative Screenwriting Screenplay Contest. But I will definitely take up your advice and seek some folks out here that do script consultation and see what comes up. Again, thank you so much for your comment and insight!

Jason Mirch

Hey Kerry, Awesome work! It's no easy feat trying to get representation. Contests are a good way to go, as long as they offer opportunities to get in a room with producers and reps.

You might also consider getting an industry mentor. Someone who has worked for a while in the business and is able to help you navigate the industry. One of the things that I find about the film industry is that people in positions to help and offer advice usually are very generous with their support.

Kerry Patton

Jason! Man, I love what you just said! I am huge into mentors and mentorship. Honestly though, working in the entertainment world for about 10 years now, I am kind of shocked to hear mentors in the creative world/screenwriting world actually exist. But bet I will be looking out for them now you said this! Thank you!

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