Screenwriting : Robert Parera by Robert Parera

Robert Parera

Robert Parera

Has anyone ever heard of Jeff Kay -- KrueFilms Productions?

John & Jamie

We've heard he can make dreams come true for just $5,000.00. In fact, he was the subject of a post yesterday.

Craig D Griffiths

Dam, why haven’t I been contacted, I feel left out. Oh well, I am waiting for a Nigerian Prince deposit money in my bank, that should solve my problems.

Robert Parera

Thanks guys for you input. If it looks like a &^%* and walks like a *&^%, then it must be a *&^%. And people tell me I should not ask ?'s. Your answers are appreciated. I hope you people see this short conversation. Nick please let us know!!. To quote Michael Corleone, never as me about my business!!

Dan MaxXx

Nick Assunto - Stage32 Script Services So what's the verdict about Jeff Kay/Kruefilms?

Dan MaxXx

^^^^^^ lol the money guy never has any money

Tony S.

And not a very good grasp of the English language.

Jason Mirch

Guys, this dude Jeff Kaye keeps popping up and being flagged by people as shady. It appears he also asked writers for "investment money" as part of a deal. I would not recommend engaging with him.

Adam Harper

Mr J Kaye - If I squint real hard it looks like his name is Mr Joke.

Phil Clarke

"Investment money." Huge red flag.

Jesse Abundis

Ooooh yeah, does not sound legit at all.

John & Jamie

He's just "doing it wrong" in general. It's not anything illegal or even over-the-top scam-wise. It's just a dude trying to cover his overheads with someone else's money. It's not the best way to do business. I've seen various posts about him offering up a production agreement or "producers compensation package" or something. Generally speaking, he's saying "Give me money. I will TRY to get your movie funded/made/produced/something-other-than-sitting-on-your-harddrive". If you're just a screenwriter with some cash to burn , then you can choose to burn said cash this way. In my house, we call this a "fringe" player. They typically know someone who will take their call. They might have a little cash to spend on a project through a third party. It's pretty similar to the people yesterday asking about credit scores, etc. Will your movie get made? Who knows. A lot of movies get made every year. Will your movie get distribution? Odds go down from "getting made" to "getting sold or distributed" to "getting seen". He seems to be trying to do something. If you produce your own stuff already, then it's probably a waste of time (and money) but if you just have scripts sitting around and he's wanting the cash guaranteed against a project's financing or incorporated into the production budget then you have to make a choice. (If the production agreement is basically him specifying he has "below the line or day one expenses" then he doesn't want your money, he wants money from the project.) It's not the best approach in a community like this and it may straight up be a scam. If he's asking for you to write him a check...bail. He's not shopping or asking for a shopping agreement. He's not optioning your script against a sale. He's just a dude that wants to try to make a movie as described above. Be friends. Don't be friends. Try. Don't try. Just do the research and don't take risks that make no sense related to it.

Robert Parera

John and Jamie, thank you. That was three years of education in one no-so long paragraph. I really appreciate your knowledge. Would you mind if I join your network?

Bill Costantini

I think that it's questionable at best to include the phrase "Production GUARANTEED", though. He obviously can't guarantee that, and especially if he's signing dozens of "Production Agreements" with writers from whom he is seeking seed monies/investment monies. I'd also want to know how he plans to "fully return" the investment that he's seeking from writers. Those phrases in quotation marks are from the letters he sent to the previous writer who posted about this.

Unes Agudjey

looking at his profile and all about him i think he's good in all kinds

Dan Guardino

I am always suspicious of producers who have to ask a screenwriter to put up development money. If they were even halfway successful they wouldn't have to.

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