Introduce Yourself : Bernard Lee DeLeo by Bernard Lee DeLeo

Bernard Lee DeLeo

Bernard Lee DeLeo

I am a Pulp Fiction novelist with fifty-four of my novels on the Amazon marketplace. I've been writing constantly and have skipped too many Introduce Yourself weekends. RJ Parker Publishing published eight of my novels last year and just released the 12th addition to my Hard Case series, Climate of Chaos two weeks ago. I am writing the 11th addition to my Cold Blooded Assassin series, Blood and Honor, right now. I missed stopping in and reading the other introductions. I will do so in between writing this weekend. As always, thanks to Stage 32 for a great platform.

Richard "RB" Botto

54 freakin' novels! Been meaning to speak to you about all this slacking, Bernard. Congratulations on all your success!

Ginny Monroe MA

Wow! 54! Outstanding Bernard, incredible! Ginny

Bernard Lee DeLeo

Thank you both! Yeah... I can't stop the voices in my head so they've taken over my story telling and are keeping me sane. :) Good to interact here, RB. I've been negligent in visiting. Good luck, Ginny. I wish you well. I know you understand how difficult breaking into the screenwriting business is. :)

Ginny Monroe MA

Bernard, thanks for the good luck. if my next project comes together. Is it okay to ask you if you would like to consider writing the book/story? My first screenplay "Masterplayer" has three ‘Considers’ and a ‘Consider with reserve’, so I am polishing it. "Masterplayer" will be posted on The BlackList, when I have polished it.

And Mathew in the UK, has written a 93K book of Masterplayer.

Bernard Lee DeLeo

Ginny... I write violent Pulp Fiction. I've written a few screenplays posted with Stage 32, reflecting that, but my main income is the novels on Amazon's Kindle interface, with some sales in paperback and audio-book. I'm not sure how I could assist you in your endeavor, but I would answer any interrogative you have concerning the project.

Ginny Monroe MA

Bernard, thanks for the positivity. Ah! ..."Violent Pulp Fiction", my screenplay writing is main stream. However, later in the Fall of 2019, I will reach out to you, to see if we can find a way to link our collective talents and skills. Have a great weekend. Ginny

Bernard Lee DeLeo

I would, of course, consider any project ideas you have. Thank you.

D.J. Burr

54 published works is Amazing! Congrats on all your success.

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