Hello, I am Ron Mendola and I have a movie company with equipment and my idea is to get a group of movie people together and we talk about a movie we want to make in a giant circle and then when we have the first concept then we all get together now and write the story and after we study the lines and then we shoot say a 10 minute promo for investors and also to enter it into film contests. A drama, then a musical, a comedy, etc. for investors to look at and we are showing what we can do as a team and actors, producers, directors, 1st ad's, ac's, best boys, gaffers, grips, editors, etc. Then send them out and everyone goes to seminars, meeting groups and as a group, we can talk about our movies and send who we talk to our movie site. It's easier 20, 30, 40, 50 people doing a job than one man. We then won't have to worry about money just having fun keeping our regular money coming in and not waiting for the rest of our lives to get something going. If someone wants us to make a movie we all chip in and share in the work and profits. Now, I have cameras, lights, computers, who is with me. I've won a few film contests in New York, a short film "SAVED" and a documentary, "TO HELL AND BACK" with Dr. Maurice Rawlings the Dr. who innovated the defibrillator the machine that brings people back from the dead and every hospital and ambulance in the world has them!!! (213) 322-8558 ron_mendola@yahoo.com
Hello, I am Ron Mendola and I have a movie company with equipment and my idea is to get a group of movie people together and we talk about a movie we want to make in a giant circle and then when we have the first concept then we all get together now and write the story and after we study the lines and then we shoot say a 10 minute promo for investors and also to enter it into film contests. A drama, then a musical, a comedy, etc. for investors to look at and we are showing what we can do as a team and actors, producers, directors, 1st ad's, ac's, best boys, gaffers, grips, editors, etc. Then send them out and everyone goes to seminars, meeting groups and as a group, we can talk about our movies and send who we talk to our movie site. It's easier 20, 30, 40, 50 people doing a job than one man. We then won't have to worry about money just having fun keeping our regular money coming in and not waiting for the rest of our lives to get something going. If someone wants us to make a movie we all chip in and share in the work and profits. Now, I have cameras, lights, computers, who is with me. I've won a few film contests in New York, a short film "SAVED" and a documentary, "TO HELL AND BACK" with Dr. Maurice Rawlings the Dr. who innovated the defibrillator the machine that brings people back from the dead and every hospital and ambulance in the world has them!!! (213) 322-8558 ron_mendola@yahoo.com