Just curious as to whether anyone has posted their scripts on their profile and had their work taken?
Only asking to see if it is worth posting your scripts on your profile or should you just leave as loglines and whoever is interested can just contact you?
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I post my logline and synopsis, haven't posted a script. I'd be fearful of that scenario happening but at some stage work has to be put out there for it to be seen. You could call it a Catch 22 situation.
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David Whelan yea you are definitely right that it is a catch 22, but just have to go with the punches. Ill just post a few pages of my scripts on my page (first 10). Thank you for your feedback
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No bother, yes I seen that 10 page tip on the other post after I posted here lol.
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I have had my works stolen on previous occasions, where they had clear access to my work and there were more than enough points of similarity to make a case. In fact, I have found the profile of one of them - an Irish screenwriter (no, not David) - on this site, but I am unfortunately unable to block him. All I can say is don't upload your full script to any of these sites. It's not that they will steal the entire script, but that they will steal enough elements to render yours void. Many of them are cowards and cowboys with no moral compass, in my opinion. I also know Alfred Catalfo who wrote the original Mall Cop which was ripped off word for word and they had to settle out of court. So it does happen. Here's one of the many articles that describes that unfortunate incident: https://www.indiewire.com/2009/02/paul-blart-script-stealer-173127/
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I have actually sold work from posting scripts publicly. People read and ask “how much to own it?”.
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I've posted two scripts on my profile that are older and have circulated around quite a bit. For my future work, I'll probably post just the longline, a brief synopsis and the first few pages as a teaser. Of course, before posting, I'd register it with the WGA.
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I don't normally post scripts on public websites. When I do, it's only the first 10 pages of a completed script that I've gotten a copywrite from the Library of Congress. I'll also register that script with the WGA if someone show interest in buying.
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Yea for now I only reposted the first act depending on the script so anywhere from 10 to 14 pages. Its ashame people steal others work, we are just trying to make it.
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I deleted my scripts here after technical problems of this page - which is years ago. But, I wonder why you worry. If my scripts are ready to be seen I register them at LoC. That's worldwide the best place, because this registration counts in case of any trouble that needs lawyers etc etc...
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I believe NOT pitching material is the biggest mistake a writer can make here. There's a wealth of free knowledge on this site and these creatives know their stuff. You'll get views from all sides. Writers who don't know us give THE BEST feedback.
Keeping our ideas a secret only does us harm because there's no testing before we try to do something big with the script. Then we find out people don't get this or that and we're rewrites away from where we thought we were. I also believe once we become artists we have to realize our work isn't for us anymore. We're one movie ticket. It's for the people. To ensure our story is palatable for the masses, we need opinions.
There is no shortage of ideas. We all have a ton of 'em. Probably everyone on this thread doesn't have enough time in the day for their own ideas. And I guarantee we all have more faith in our ideas than anyone else's. Stealing ideas is a myth for the most part, anyway. Give 100 writers an idea and they'll come back with a hundred different stories and all of those stories will differ from ours. There are exceptions to every rule. But this I know: if I don't have what it takes to post my ideas, I don't have what it takes to grow. If I don't grow, I don't go pro. That's my goal. A pro can articulate how and why he builds stories to other pros. It all starts with posting loglines and pages.
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You can't steal craft & execution. That's how people get jobs after jobs - craft & execution.
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Elisabeth Meier not so much worried. Just trying to protect myself, but like others have said really not much you can do except register it with WGA or LOC and only post a few pages. I just always hear stories of people's hard work being taken.
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Dan MaxXx you are right. You cannot steal or imitate craft
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I've had my ideas stolen, the soul sucked out of them and turned into a well-known show. It will eat at me til my dying day. I never share my work directly with production companies anymore and if I did I would want NDAs signed at the very least.
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If you're not worried, why are you trying to protect yourself? I've posted a few short scripts from time to time, mostly as examples of 'proper' formatting. They've all won awards and they've already been produced. If one of my scripts triggers an idea in the mind of another writer - even better (I'm here to share & learn). Your script may spark an idea in me - so? Don't let paranoia throw a wet blanket on your creativity.