Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Andrew Welch

Andrew Welch


Hi everyone, I just signed up for Stage 32 today. My focus is on screenwriting. I’ve written a few scripts over the years, but nothing I would ever consider polished. Just recently, though, I completed a short film script that went through several drafts and is what I would consider my first finished script (even though it’s very short). I’m working on another idea right now. I don’t know if I will ever be able to call myself a professional screenwriter, but it’s something I enjoy doing, and hopefully one day I will see something I’ve written brought to life on a screen in one form or another. In between now and then, I know I have a lot to learn. Professionally, I’m a copywriter and a photographer in Texas.

David Whelan

Welcome aboard Andrew and its an achievement to finish a script so well done. I'm no pro myself, still learning but maybe we always will be learning. Regardless, its a great feeling to finish a script so you'll be flying in no time.

Adam Harper

Nice to meet you Andrew!

Mark Penson

Welcome to Stage 32 Andrew!

Phil Clarke

Hi there, Andrew. Enjoying what you do is essential. If you fall out of love with screenwriting, it's certain death! If I can be of any assistance on your journey, by all means come have a chat.

Roxanne Paukner

Welcome. It's a good place to be!

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