Introduce Yourself : Forget You!! Let's Talk About MY Project!!!! by Troy .

Troy .

Forget You!! Let's Talk About MY Project!!!!

I don't buy into that.

All of us here have a story/stories to tell. Each of us here has dealt with self-doubt, even ridicule from strangers/colleagues, editors, agents, industry, friends and in some cases, family. Yet, somehow we persevered and we still chase that crazy dream of writing 90 pages or so that will validate us to ourselves and those naysayers we met before.

I am he. My name is Troy.

My script/storyline is better than yours.

Maybe, maybe not but I know your story and the next time a producer says "yours is not for me. I'm looking for XYZ to produce." If I know your project, I will call you to let you know. I think my "pay it forward" will come back to me someday. 

Networking. It's why I am here. Again, my name is Troy.

Manju Subberwal

I believe our work should satisfy our creative hunger first, if other people like it then it's a second achievement. Hi Troy happy to meet you. Welcome to Stage 32.

James Stewart

I totally agree Manju. Very seldom do I get any feedback from people who have watched my films. So I rely on my own enjoyment in the making of my films for a large portion of my payment.

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