Hey, I'd like to share with you the link of the horror short movie “ I’m home” written and co-directed by the Roche Brothers, Cinematographer and editing Ryan Leone, produced by Rick Johnson.
The film was shot for an International phone film festival ( under 3 minutes).
Here it is, hope you enjoy it! Let us know what you think!
Thank you so much Erik! Sorry I scared you but I guess I take this as the perfect compliment!
Hopefully I can say this without offending you (certainly none is intended). I realize that this may be your first attempt (and I laude your attempt). But I find your film to be trite and cliche. But I encourage you to preserve. All the best.
All opinions are welcome! I'm the actress just following directions and hopefully bringing life to characters the way the director envisioned it. If you are talking about the "cliche" regarding the story, I believe the writer / director had to include some specific props ( such as door, candle etc...) in order to submit to this particular under 3 minutes movie film festival that required to be shot with a mobile phone! The choice of the horror genre was then his personal choice.