I have an idea for a Faith-based 3ish minute animation tied to an instrumental. Question #1...what is the difference in prices for different types of animation (if there is one)...describing me as a neophyte would be generous - more a babe in the woods. Any council, advice, or direction would be appreciated!
Thanks, Robin! I was thinking more along the lines of anime but with maybe stop-motion that would provide the concept of motion but keep the cost down...if that's even a viable endeavor. I dunno. Thanks, too, for the biteable.com link. The writing group I'm in has a member who is writing a trailer for her script and this might be a budget-conscious way to give that some serious pop when pitching. I have storyboard written down verbally...I can't draw for diddly...and the song with the scene timings. I need to learn the world of animation and see what would match the Dream and how much it will cost. Thanks again for your help, Robin....I appreciate it! D²
Thanks, Robin! I checked out that site and found it helpful. I'm starting to get parameters. I appreciate your help! Would the cost of anime ($200/minute) be synonymous with getting a storyboard artist doing panels or would it be more of
a "piece-work" situation on the storyboards? Thanks again, Robin, for your time and help. It is greatly appreciated! D²
Oh, dang....that definitely adds zeros to a nproject, eh? Thanks, Robin...and thanks for the heads up on the book! God bless...D²