Filmmaking / Directing : Music Videos by Matthew S.

Matthew S.

Music Videos

Anyone have techniques, tricks, tips, anything on filming music videos? I've watched some stuff on YouTube, but nothing that tells me HOW exactly it's done.

Dan MaxXx

I've worked on 100++ music videos, on-set or post-production. No different than short movies. Same physical labor, same crews, same long hours. There is audio playback on set so singers can lip sync. Timecode slate every camera and every shot so you can match-edit later.

Matthew S.

Thank you, Dan MaxXx. So, do you play the one track for every different "scene" in the video?

Dan MaxXx

Matthew S. depends on Director but usually the camera runs through the whole "scene/shot". Everyone shoots digital now. Nobody cuts :) Best to use a "2nd unit" team to shoot "B" roll. Don't waste Time.

Matthew S.

I'd be directing, may have a drone involved. Not sure about a 2nd Unit team.

KC Allen

Tell a story.

Bill Hartin

I'm with videos that convey a story have greater impact and a longer shelf life.

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