So I've had a request for a script from a production company which is awesome. They asked for it to be emailed, is there any specific format I should use or just attach the PDF with Dear XXXXX Please find attached script as requested from Virtual Pitch Fest? Do i need to send the one sheet as well or am I over thinking it?
Just send the script as you describe, Anthony. Congrats!
Just send it as a pdf with a brief email, “as per your request please find my script attached.” Maybe add a comment about what else you have, ie; “if you like my writing, I have several other scripts in the same genre that I’d be happy to share.” Be sure to let them know you have other stuff, because that’s always one of their first questions. Good luck!
Great. Thanks folks.
Kay Luke as someone who has used Virtual Pitchfest regularly and gotten quite a few read requests, which in turn have generated meetings and ongoing relationships, they always want to know what else you have.
Making mention of having other scripts is in no way detrimental to the script you’re pitching, it only shows that this script isn’t a one-off and you have a body of work. I
In my experience, the “attitude they want” is that of someone who is professional and experienced, and has more than one screenplay under their belt. I’ve certainly never had anyone think I’m not vested in the script I’m pitching because I mention having other scripts, but maybe others have had different experiences. <shrug>
Yeah I agree with Kay. If they don't ask for them, then don't mention them. They asked for one script and if they like what they read, they'll ask what else you have. Just make it short and sweet. Their time is very valuable ; )
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Kay Luke Nowhere did I say one should tell “all about your stuff”. I simply said he could possibly mention that he has several other scripts of the same genre (or to that effect.) And good for you that you “know your shit”. So do I.
Dan Guardino No, I’m definitely not advocating pitching more than one script. Just mentioning that there are others.
Jody I understand your argument as well. I guess it depends on the person they're dealing with...who knows. Glad Kay knows his shit. haha
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Christine Capone I can only go by my own experience, in which mentioning I do have other projects (not trying to pitch multiple scripts!) has served me well. Obviously Kay’s experience is different. All good.
Exactly Jody! We all have different experiences and we bring them all to the table. It's up to Anthony to decide what he wants to do. Good luck Anthony!
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The only advice I have, and you can use it for everything. Is that people are “self interested”.
Use the word “you” more than “I”. Make everything about them. You are there to make their life better. People remember that.
Send your PDF and say you would be happy to help them in anyway regarding this script and for them not to hesitate in contacting you as you would be more than please to offer any assistance you can.
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Anthony: Your project idea is a good one. Good luck with it.
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I might slightly disagree with Kay that the coveted question is "What are you working on?" I think the most asked question is "What else ya got?". However, i would agree that in your FIRST email, if a PRODUCER has already requested Script A, you shouldnt mention that you have other scripts. just focus on THAT script. However, if a MANAGER has requested your script, I think it's ok and possibly beneficial to mention that additional scripts are available.
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Thanks everyone for the advice. Its help like this that got my script requested in the first place. Maybe it'll go all the way, maybe it won't, but thanks for the assists.
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Fingers crossed for you, Anthony.