Introduce Yourself : Author/Screenwriter by Thomas Muller

Thomas Muller


Hey everyone,

It's been a long time since I've been on and just wanted to get back aboard and say hello to all.

I am an author with two books out - FOUR CORNERS and NO MORE TALES TO TELL - available on Amazon, with my third - CATHERINE - hitting the market next week.

In addition to the prose, I have written or co-written 13 scripts, some as features and others for TV. Along with my writing partner, Eugene Mont, we have made several shorts, one of which -DOUBLE OR NOTHING - premiered at the first Dunedin International Film Festival in Florida back in January. Finally, one of our scripts made it to the semifinals of the ScreenCraft Pilot Launch Contest.

It's been a busy year, and I hope it stays that way!

Happy Easter to all, have a great weekend!


Thomas Muller

Priya, congratulations! Hope that you enjoy great success!

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