Anything Goes : Film/TV Scene in other states by Ryan Rusch

Ryan Rusch

Film/TV Scene in other states

Im based out of Chicago, Illinois but would like to venture out to certain other Cities/States to network and assist others in the industry. What has the Industry scene been like in Georgia, LA California and Texas for both studios/Independent? Any insight would be great I appreciate it.

Doug Nelson

According to your header - you're everything; so why not just stay home and start in Chicago?

Ryan Rusch

Doug I have been majority in the Independent scene just considering a temporary move to a warmer state for health reasons but also for this kind of work as well. In a way trying to knock out 2 birds 1 stone. Plus I try my best to reach out to other creatives out of state in general and see what its like on their end or area.

Doug Nelson

That being the case Ryan, I suggest you research Atlanta, Austin and Phoenix indie filmmaking. LA is quickly becoming a third world environment with extremely limited opportunities for newcomers. All the best.

Cassie Hicks

Ryan, I really don't know what's it's like seeing the business in GA, CA, and TX, b/c I've never traveled there.:( However, I know that you're the wrong person to ask, but I'll ask you anyway-do you know any local unit publicists, b/c I'm looking for one who can interview me about my three topics that are based on soap operas and music?

Ryan Rusch

Cassie I do not. Always ask cause ya never know who knows who.

Cassie Hicks

That's OK, I'll look to someone else.:)

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