If everyone who see's this just does 5-10$ we can be there today.
I didn't want to do this but I have no choice, we have to deliver EVERYTHING before the end of the month, and guys. I am tapped. Working on this for almost a year with no pay, sold my truck for it, took out a loan..at the end, and I really REALLY need some help.
All donations 50$ + get a signed NEW poster for the film, for now that's all I can offer. PLUS, there are some official GET GONE props that will be given to any LARGE donors. Thanks!
We are done, its getting released, but as I mentioned, there are STILL things that have to be taken care of, and I don't have a penny to my name left, if I had any blood left Id sell it to help, and I already traded my soul for half a snickers bar back in 83... so its not available.
Hi Michael. I completely understand your struggle. I went through it too. I noticed your GO FUND ME campaign says "more E&O" insurance. Do you already have it and the policy isn't large enough? Also, would you be able to negotiate with your distribution company to cover some of the deliverables cost and they can make back those expenses on sales?
Had I just turned it all over to them and allowed them to subcontract all the Deliverables it would have been more expensive, I got friend deals here for DCP and Color and sound... Just EO< not more.
everything is done other than letter of origin, EO and one more QC that we will pass
oh ok I see.