Hustling, tackling 10+ action items daily ... doing the work but not seeing the fruits of my labor. Eye on the prize!!!! https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1527250/?ref_=m_ttfcd_cl100
Hustling, tackling 10+ action items daily ... doing the work but not seeing the fruits of my labor. Eye on the prize!!!! https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1527250/?ref_=m_ttfcd_cl100
Keep persevering, Becki. Don't give up.
Not in my DNA, Phil. That’s all I can hope for, Pamela!
Sounds like you’re doing all the right things Becki. I look forward to seeing you in movies and television soon!
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Hey Becki, Seems like you have the drive so I'll just wish you the best and hope all is well.
I see it
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Nice IMDb page Becki. Well done.
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I have not seen the fruits I was hoping for in the last 6 years. But there may be light in this tunnel. I am signed to assist in writing a feature that is in preproduction. The secret is perseverance.
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