Introduce Yourself : Launching Pad by Victor Penro

Victor Penro

Launching Pad

Hi, I'm Victor. I just moved to LA and I've been consistently writing for about 16 years. I have three self published titles you can check out on Amazon (search: Victor Penro). I have over ten screenplays in my backlog now. I wrote a short that I'm really confident in and I just need a knowledgeable cinematographer/cameraman and a good editor. This is a story that would be super practical to pull off and would benefit all involved. No, we wouldn't be paid directly but the finished film would open doors and the like. Please contact me if you are interested and would like to read the script. Also I'm looking for a couple people to play the lead 18-25 Male and 35-45 Male.


Victor Penro

Na Kul

hi victor, congats for tge script and good luck with the project. I'm Na Kul. I'm a writer and director but am half way across the world. i can read you script if you're looking for a fresh perspective on it. I'd have loved to collaborate but we're a world apart. literally. I'm in Bombay.

Victor Penro

Thanks Na Kul. I appreciate the response. I sent an add.

Victor Penro

Thanks. I'll look into that.

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