Introduce Yourself : The King of Comebacks! by Giacomo Knox

Giacomo Knox

The King of Comebacks!

I'm Giacomo Knox. SAG/AFTRA since 1993, and I'm very much pro "Union" (the combined organizations were and are today factually, Guilds). I started off doing stunts in Double Dragon and a few indie flicks, more background work than I care to admit, but I took advantage of every opportunity on set to learn the business.

In 2008 I took a page from my personal struggles to develop, produce and "star" in the reality tv pilot, A Week With My Father, where I reunited with my father James after 33 years apart. We won the 2011 NY Television Festival's Best Pitch contest, which came with a development deal from Red Arrow International of Germany. Sadly we were not able to come to terms with Red Arrow and our rights were returned in 2013.

When I say the struggle is real, I embody it 100%. I had to leave Los Angeles for financial and personal reasons, trying my hand in the emerging North Texas market. I drove for Uber and wrote resumes, but my passion for AWWMF would not be abated. That passion got the best of me, and I had to leave Texas for my family's ancestral home of South Carolina.

Since leaving LA, I am now driving for Uber again, and auditioning like a mad-man. I have a new agent, I have reinstated my SAG/AFTRA membership, and just shot a reel with the most amazing photographer ever! Every now and then I'm tempted to look over my shoulder at Los Angeles like the biblical Lot's Wife, but looking forward I see nothing but success in the SE market.

I invite you this Fathers Day, to check out A Week With My Father on my page, as well as YouTube. Thanks for reading and G-d bless!

Toni Watkins

Hi Giacomo. My name is Toni I live in the Dallas area. I've read your post and see you've had your struggles. I have been trying to find an agent forever but, I haven't had any luck. Is your agent taking on any new clients. Best of luck!!

Todd Sorrell

Hi Giacomo. I really wish your pitch turned in to a full blown series. I used to watch The Locator religiously. Material like that moves me profoundly. I can tell you have a lot to offer. Glad to see you networking here with people who might move you forward. Much aloha to you GC.

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