Hey there! I've been a musician my whole life (trained as a pianist) and - given that I began composing at age 13, I've been making music for 24 years now. Most of the work I did (MIDI-based composing utilizing VSTs) for other people's films/games/stage plays was between 2003 and 2015. As of a few months ago, I've been wanting to get back into composing for other productions as something to give a fulfilling complement to my day job. While I have done some digital Rock as a side hobby (produced entirely with VSTs), my specialty has been in Film-score Orchestral (Fantasy, Adventure, Drama genres in particular, even though I have done some Horror work).
Since I had always wanted to be a filmmaker - preferably animated Adventure films intended for a 13+ and 16+ audience, I'd spent years coming up with stories, some of which I've adapted to screenplays (some of which are still in progress), and have been practicing illustration while self-studying animation. Even though I'm better suited for conceptual and developmental elements, I very much enjoy the screenwriting I've done while maintaining the hobby of trying to create visual elements to accompany what I'm writing.