Distribution : Distributors like ITN, High Octane or Maverick by Johnny K. Wu

Johnny K. Wu

Distributors like ITN, High Octane or Maverick

Hi all, I'm curious, has anyone of you ever have your film distributed by either of these distributors? I am curious how did it go, did you ever see any return? I would like to know your experiences, thanks!

Johnny K. Wu

So, still hoping to hear from you, thanks!

Dean Lach

I do know someone who distributed through Maverick, but that was back about 9 years ago, and it wasn't good. BUT Nowadays, I see they have an entirely different catalog, and I'd say they (appear to be) similar to BET.

Johnny K. Wu

Hi Dean, thanks for the reply, i actually talked to two people with ITN and one with High Octane and getting some info back. quite interesting how they 'work' now :)

Dean Lach

Sounds good. I'd love to learn about ITN and High Octane. I am trying to sell my one-off movie as a TV Pilot (demo-episode.) And I'm very new to television. If you have any info in this area, I'd sure love to hear it. :)

Johnny K. Wu

Hi Dean, there's a lot of good and bad between all the distributrs/sales agents, it's a matter of how you talk to them and how you ask the hard questions and making sure the agreements do not have exceeding marketing expenses (make sure there's a cap) and many items spelled out correctly. For either one of them, I've talked to people who didn't get much return because they were 'bundled' with another film for sale, and there are one I know is currently loosing $ but may recoup. I was 'told' that if everything goes right, I should see a monetary return by March 2020...

Also always be weary what they tell you and do a lot of talk with them via phone, don't do it by email, it just not enough to get to know them.

If your need is more about get the name out there, then anyone of them works, if your need is just to get it out and make some $, there are smaller distributors/sales agent that you can go with where you would see $ return at end of each sale...

for me I want to get $ and also maximize the exposure of my current feature film (https://bit.ly/wuxia2thecode) so I wanted to make sure I get what I needed quick and nice. :)


Dean Lach

:) Thanks Johnny.

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