Your Stage : Agent vs Manager for Reality TV by Mark Aselstine

Mark Aselstine

Agent vs Manager for Reality TV

Hi All- I had posed our sizzle reel some time back and have been lurking around Stage 32, trying to get a better handle on how this industry works. It's interesting to say the least.

We have received some feedback from folks, suggesting that we attempt to get our reality pitch in front of the online streaming folks (Netflix and Amazon seem to come up with everyone) since the concept is an arced reality show and our characters, would all be pretty normal human beings (we won't be making the real housewives of winemaking as someone joked back at Pitchfest).

Anyway, we're working toward finding a production company, which as many of your know, can be slow, especially from outside of LA. So, I was hoping to bother you all for some advice, should a parallel path, be looking for an agent or for a manager? I seem to have a decent handle on the differences, but given this is reality, it always seems just outside of normal.

Thanks again for all your information, help and support,


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