Screenwriting : Hey, writers by Paul Zeidman

Paul Zeidman

Hey, writers

How's your latest project coming along?

Matthew J. Kaplan

You know how it goes - one minute it feels like the greatest thing ever written, the next minute I wanna cry and never write again! Ah writing...

Amber Greenlee

Laid out. I have all my beats. First few episodes are written. A few are in their draft stages. One is storyboarded. Slow and steady wins the race. :)

Craig D Griffiths

The Hostage is in Production. Last I heard filming starts in Oct.

I am plotting a story I intend to film myself.

There is a Canadian producer that has had a script. I plan to chase that up. That is just sitting with him.

Finally I want to finish a Sherlock Holmes spec I am working for fun.

Lawrence Davidson

I ended up on first drafts for a few different start-ups, and I stalled. I'm now powering through it, which is great. I have an edit on another, which is shaping up quite nicely. Thanks for asking, how's yours going?

Stephen Floyd

Took an interesting turn. A flashback intro has become the main timeline, and I just killed my protagonist on page 10. So this thing’s got ideas of its own.

Anthony Moore

Finished my 100 page, Sci-Fi/Drama: Exodus - "A decorated FBI agent is assigned to find out why large groups of people nation-wide are disappearing and discovers that the answer is worse than he could have ever imagined."

Nathan Smith

Getting through a few different first drafts between everything else going on so overall I can't complain.

Eric Christopherson

About halfway done repairing the rear deck behind the house. Thanks for asking.

Paul Zeidman

Lawrence- not too bad. in the final stages of rewriting an older script. taking a little less time than expected, which is always nice

Bill Albert

Still in the pitching phase for my series project. It's quite a complicated deal. Some of the feedback from producers is helpful and constructive. Sometimes it's crap and I wonder if the actually read the pitch. Just have to keep working at it.

David Downes

Have an opportunity for a table read of the first 10 pages of my new script next week.

Tennyson Stead

I'm getting a visual effects teaser done for my science-fiction heist film Quantum Theory, I'm seeing a script I wrote in February attracting some pretty universally admired filmmakers and performers... and I'm finally digging in and making progress on the table-top role-playing game I've been putting off for a decade. While there's no money in that field, the content is something I can develop into other media as I build a community around it - so I've started a Patreon for that.

Things are good! How YOU doin?

She'Ra Hagans

Still writing it, then I will be directing it.

PJ Edwards

going great! nothing like a deadline for another project to get the juices going!

Jim Boston

Paul, I'm trying to save face right now.

I let you down (and also let no telling how many other Stage 32 members down)...and I humbly apologize.

I thought my "Yes, Indeed!" was ready to, this past Monday, I posted it here.

What I did was totally wrong, so yesterday, I went back to the script and gave David some more lines and introduced a friend of his: Grant, a music critic for the "Los Angeles Times." In addition, I tweaked the logline and mentioned the goal of playing at a respected Tinseltown jazz club.

Right now, the script is three pages longer than what's currently on Stage 32. I hope to tack on no more than an additional three to keep it out of the 120-page range.

Before I made the decision to add a character, I made a just-for-good-measure move and read a Michael Hauge post on screenplay structure. And I took notes.

I just don't EVER AGAIN want to get myself to the point where I leave myself vulnerable to having a completed work labeled "just a start."

And I don't EVER AGAIN want to upload anything without making sure conflict, protagonists' goals, the presence of antagonists, and the existence of disaster points are all crystal clear.

Nobody else messed up but me. I'm still in pain, and it's my OWN fault.

I hope to get the revisions completed by this weekend; when they're done, the revised script will go up at that time.

When I came aboard back in January, one of the first people to give me feedback questioned if I actually WAS all in about screenwriting...and if my commitment to it was strong. (I've NEVER, EVER forgotten that, and I NEVER WILL.)

Well, Cherie Grant, here's my answer:


Otherwise, I wouldn't make these revisions to "Yes, Indeed!"

When those revisions are finished, I'll get back to "Pixie Dust."

I'll be fine.

Thanks, Paul, for all you do.

Imo Wimana Chadband

For some reason, after I finish a script, no matter how much I try, I just never seem to be able to start the next after a week has passed lol. So that week is just about up, so I'm now diving into my next script full on! I'm excited to get to it. The story really wants to get out of me.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Eric Christopherson you always crack me up man, hahaha!

Imo Wimana Chadband

Jim, my man, no worries. It's all a part of the process. We write, rewrite, and rewrite some more until we get it right. What matters is that you have the fire burning and is so passionate about your work. I'd have to give a read of the revised version when you're finished and re-uploaded.

Keep at it bro. You've got this!

Dan Guardino

I am just finishing up a rewrite to make the screenplay cheaper to film so I can do it myself. It is a true story about a con man that gets conned into paying for his own hit. John Travolta's manager.producer optioned it once and another producer wanted to option it so I think it is a pretty good story.

Jim Boston

Well...I'm back to let you know that the revisions on "Yes, Indeed!" got finished yesterday, and I put the revised screenplay up here on Stage 32 yesterday morning (and amended the synopsis, too).

Tried to find plots to similar movies about big bands...only to strike out. Instead, I ended up adding a character (Grant) to the second half of "Yes, Indeed!" to add conflict and make it less laid-back. In addition, I added to David's dialog.

Turned out to be fun making the revisions...and Monday's pain is now gone.

Imo and Paul (and everybody else who contributes to 32), thanks for everything!

Heidi Rena Norrod

Currently trying to forget that I ever wanted to be a writer... I feel like I'm beating a dead horse on all of my works in progress both novels and scripts. I have made some excellent advances with my bakery though. LOL!

John David Higham

Waiting to hear back from a network on my sitcom pilot, waiting to hear back from three studios regarding my psychological thriller script, waiting to hear back from two different producers regarding my reality-tv proposals, waiting to hear back from a network exec reading my memoir as the basis for a series I pitched. And, working on the outline for a second TV sitcom series and a kids animated feature. By “waiting,” I mean everything from actually waiting to playing phone tag. And, yes, I have a spreadsheet tracking all of this.

David Melbourne

Just finished a short synopsis from which my next screenplay will be based. I know who the main characters are going to be and have a good idea what themes I'm going to be exploring. This will be my seventh screenplay and I now feel I know what I'm doing. Not saying that this one will be a certified success but I think this could be a good one.

Tracy Lea Carnes

I just did a pitch. I think it went well.

Eoin O'Sullivan

Some positive feedback on current draft, another pass and it should be pretty tight.

Todd Bronson

SNAFU - screenwriter normal: all fucked up.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Slow. I've been busy with so much other stuff.

Jeff Caldwell

Pretty good. I think I went a little too dear to my heartish on the last one. It was a therapy script, which was fine because I stopped writing for awhile and been through some crap the last couple years. Got it outta my system. Working on a horror script now that's going much better.. I think. Lol. Then I'll gut the other and rewrite it.

KC Allen

Just finished my 7th feature length screenplay. Now to start the rewrites.

Charles J Lewis

Well , right now , with my fingers crossed ---I am still shopping around my two TV pilot teleplays: One is a futuristic science fiction and the other is a sitcom . And also , I entered my crime action drama into a screenwriting competition this summer , so I am expecting to place as the winner or at the very least semi-finalist . Lastly , I have my romance comedy movie script and also my voodoo horror movie plus Manchurian Candidate type of political action adventure thriller in play among VIPs as well . So , basically , I am just laying in the cut and seeking positive feedback for my three features and two TV pilots . Ultimately , I am expecting a movie option and/or acquisition of my features !

Vital Butinar

Fantastic! Rewriting a spec screenplay into a production screenplay. And doing two new drafts on two other screenplays. Also I'm outlining a new project that's based on a true story from the WW2.

But I am not a writer I am a writer/director. I already see all these films in my head and the whole story so I'm writing it down along with a few notes and sometimes storyboards.

Deborah SYna

Here at AFF26 looking forward to inspiration for my 4th feature spec, Assisted Living.

Michael L. Burris



I am the projection.

Craig D Griffiths

Change in Director 3 weeks ago and some new crew.

Today co-star became unavailable. So mad rush to recast to keep locations and crew. Plus Police have to be scheduled for the days we have guns on set.

New cast will mean some rewriting. Once it starts I’ll breath easier. Glad I am not the line prod on this.

She'Ra Hagans

I am still in pre-production.

DC Harrison

Novice writer uploaded my first logline/script for a short horror film titled Fluffy about a demonic stray dog.

Victor Titimas

DC Harrison, cool idea!:)

DC Harrison

Thanks, Victor.

Alex R Price

Stalled out due to work. Dang J.O.B. is getting in the way of my writing.

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