Hi All- Keep typing. You will finish. Keep reaching out- the people will respond and help you with your project. Try, try, don't give up. They'll hate you, they won't like you- but keep your dream alive- people will help- and the people who said no to you- they'll cheer you on at showtime and will wish they were on your project. Don't stop you're dream. Peace- Ed Skirtich
What a cool post. Thank you, Edward for this motivation.
This is a big motivation for me. Thanks, Edward!
Hi All- Thank you for that response. I live in Pittsburgh, PA much different from when I visited my younger brother in Hollywood- we got game up here though- Much different- Pittsburgh Steelers, Pirates, Panthers, Penguins and such- But Tom Hanks and Chris Cooper- Pittsburgh , PA and Mister Rogers movie- Beautifully done- Absolutely spell bounding and emotional. The whole audience filled with tears and high emotions. Thank you all for reaching out. Contact me any time. Peace Merry Christmas and all- Ed Skirtich ejskirtich@comcast.net