Introduce Yourself : I write novels that read like movies by Khaled Talib

I write novels that read like movies

Hi all, I'm Khaled. I write thrillers and create my own book trailers so much so I have received praise from indie directors for it. My books read like movies; not the story per se (so many books out there can be converted into movies), but the way it is written. I give readers a visual sense. It's a style of writing I accidentally created without even realizing it and so far I've stuck to it until a new form comes.

One of my books was read by an agent and a known movie director at Creative Artists Agency. It was, however, declined for an option but I was happy that I got through the front door. What an experience. I've recently finished a crime novel set in South Australia and I am waiting for a publisher's editor to give the green light or not.

At the same time, I am working on a sequel to my third novel, Gun Kiss, which is set in California. Sometimes I wonder if I was living in the U.S. instead of Singapore what I would be doing because often times when I watch TV, I'll be wondering how does one get a job as a screenwriter or a subtitle translator or an extra.

I've been an extra once on a Chinese sword-fighting series. Never knew how much work is involved; I was on the set from 7 am till 9 pm just for one scene. Hard work, eh. So, now we know what actors and others put in to get things done.

I've done some amateur movie reviews for my Facebook followers, but that's about it though I spent many years working as a magazine journalist (lifestyle and current affairs). I have no known allergy and I like pizzas and chocolates. Tell me about yourself. I like to hear from you too...

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