Introduce Yourself : Foreign screen writer. by Rayner Guerra

Rayner Guerra

Foreign screen writer.

Greetings. A question for writers who have been in a situation that needs two writers for a work but writers are in different countries. How to make a contract for the writer who is in a distant place, another country? And that he receives profits from the projection of the film. How to give confidence to a foreign writer. Any examples of written contract already written? Some explanation.

Amanda Toney

Hi Rayner - this was touched on in Birgit's webinar, hopefully it's helpful for you!

Vyacheslav Vladimirsky

Hello, Mr. Guerra.

I have the same problem..... I live in Russia and I need partners in the USA to work in the film business. I ask you to pay attention to my letter.

My name is Vyacheslav, I am a screenwriter and entrepreneur in the film business.

I am looking for partners to create a new film project related to the Chornobl Exclusion Zone.

This is a commercial project, and I need help to attract investments and create a startup company.

To understand what will happen on the screen from the first frames of the film, I created an animated film, which is presented on my website.

You can see it here:

If you are interested in my project, I will be glad to cooperate.

Best regards, Vyacheslav


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