Introduce Yourself : Idea-Based Filmmaker by Fatima Hye

Fatima Hye

Idea-Based Filmmaker

Hi, Everyone.

I'm a filmmaker based in Texas, producing innovative art films focusing on philosophical, psychological, and horror elements.

I've completed several shorts, recently took a film to the Victoria TX Independent Film Festival, completed my first feature, and am in the initial stages of developing a new script.

Always looking for creative, passionate, hard-working collaborators!

Jaye Adams

Hi Fatima, nice to meet a like minded creative with a love for the horror genre! I’m Jaye, I’m a UK based horror screenwriter. Would love to see your shorts, can you send a link?

Jenifer Vine/Jinna Dennis

Hi. I love thrillers. As a screenwriter, it seems to be my go to script genre. I have two works going now for features that are both Psychological thrillers. I love the idea of creating that creepiness and surprise that is just meant to stick in the mind. Love to add you to my network. Have an awesome day.

Brianna Duttry

Hi! I would love to collaborate sometime!

Fatima Hye

Hi, guys (or gals, in this case) - thanks for the awesome welcome, and sorry it took me a couple of days to reply - still getting used to the site and soooo many platforms to follow up on (now one more ha ha).

Jaye - yes, always fun to meet horror people - most of my shorts are on Amazon (not all strictly horror-based but generally weird) and I'm in the process of opening a Vimeo channel (I'm working with a few startup platforms and such, but I like having control over my work). I'll try to update when that happens.

Jinna - welcome (I read your profile that you're trying to build up your script portfolio) - I love what you're saying about things sticking in the mind - loving the new spate of atmospheric horrors being produced and wish to do one myself! (current project)

Brianna - your work seems very cool and intriguing - I also love that you do makeup - you're in the States, which is a plus for me - maybe we will end up doing something! (I'm going to try to check out some of the films listed - love the artwork too.)

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