Introduce Yourself : Hello by Robert Fleming

Robert Fleming


Hello fellow Creatives. My name is Robert and I'm an aspiring music producer from Ohio. If anyone that is in need of original music for projects or future projects (whatever they are) please send me a line at: 

I'll be glad to be involved. When given the chance checkout a little of my music styles at:

I hope everyone on here is getting things done and not giving up their dreams. I've done a couple indie film soundtracks in the past year or so and waiting on finished production of a couple more. I'm not where I wanna be but I'm trying to continue to use my talents to benefit others and myself. Peace and "Happy Creating" everyone. 

My name is Robert Fleming A.K.A. "TOPNOTCHPRO1". I've been making music and beats for about 20 or so years now, but only got really truly serious when I turned 45. Sometimes people ask what took you s…

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