Hey All,
So I just finished shooting my first short film (many more to come! :) ) and I wanted to ask is it advisable to have a completely separate website, Twitter, Facebook page etc just for one film and why? I have my own website and twitter etc that I imagined all of my films info would go onto but I’m being advised they should all have their own separate ones, wanted to hear your guys thoughts and advise? Thanks! Jaye
When I first started with my writing, I had separate Facebook sites (still do) for each book. However, it soon becomes unmanageable so I now just post under my name and sometimes share to the others. I'd suggest one website, with tabs for each film (like my website - www.davidegates.com) You can then share your blog post / updates via social media buttons (I created my website via Wordpress but there's no reason why a reasonable website builder couldn't incorporate media share buttons into new posts for you).
Hope this helps.
HI Jaye, stick to one main website for the content, (you can create a sub-website within your main site if you really want to separate it out, but do that after you have gone past the 5-10 movies mark). Just bear in mind that social media should be used as supplements to the content you are creating on the website and content upload should be daily to drive in as much traffic. (create the social media handles and keep them aside)
the reason other than it becoming difficult to manage is having one location puts you at an advantage of being found. digital media requires consistent content (think of it like a pet that you need to keep alive and nurture it well) so if you want to have an audience that will know you and develop a meaningful relationship with your work then make it easy for them to find you
"oh looks like Jaye made another film lets go check it out" and then word of mouth will start spreading - if you want to gain more attention then try to run a social media advert.
Hope this helps
I always found movie websites to be strange, however, I can see the allure, as it tends to look more attractive to list a movie URL than your main filmmaker URL. Why? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. My first thought is that if I’m going to a website for the movie, I want to find it right away, not have to look at your other 10 films (maybe later!). However, if I was a filmmaker, I would still probably just stick to your main URL and list everything off of it. When I create music albums, I put them all under my main page, or as subpages on there, not as an entirely new URL...