Introduce Yourself : Back to the drawing board. Literally. by Cesare Tatarelli

Cesare Tatarelli

Back to the drawing board. Literally.

Hello fellow creatives. 2019 is drawing to a close and I accomplished all I set out to one seems to be interested. I am an illustrator trying to get a graphic novel off the ground, albeit in what now seems to be a quaint, traditional fashion, no crowdfunding, just submitting to publishers. I completed a chapter of 'The Bounty', I wrote, drew, coloured and every other chore associated with the medium, 22 pages, but could not attract attention from any major North American publishers. Looking at the work critically, there is much to be pleased with, and some, not so much, so since I have already invested 2 years in the project, I am going to retool, redraw and look for a publisher, again. The biggest flaw has to be the writing, doing all the chores makes is difficult to bring an A-level result to each discipline, so while I am redrafting the story, and planning on salvaging as much artwork as I can...I am thinking about reaching out to a writer at some point. If anything I have just said resonates with anyone, drop me a line.

Trevor Gustafson

Hi Cesare, good on you for following your project! I agree its super dangerous to start illustrating until the story is working and tightened and you are confident and happy with it. Be patient! Keep going!

Ruben Diaz

I've written two comic books. Also tried the "quaint" way of doing things. I'm useless as an artist but I am writer through and through (short films, features, plays, web series, product copy, you name it)Drop me a line.

John Ellis

I've written a comic, based on an IP that I created, with another (same IP) in development. I'm also an indie TV writer-producer, so I have some experience in determining if a story "has legs." I'd be happy to look at your story and critique it for concept, throughline, characters, etc. And I might be willing to re-work it (if needed) on spec, although my time is limited. Your posted artwork is great, and I'm a fanboy of space opera!

Cesare Tatarelli

Gentlemen! thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I am redrafting the elevator pitch, its muddled right now, after spending time with it I can see how an editor/ publisher might feel that it isnt sharp or focused enough. The basic story is intact....the world building etc.....once I have it down....I would be happen to send some materials your way. This is a slow burn but I would like to have another solid pitch ready by June 2020 (new art, tighter plot synopses.)

Tia Cherie Polite

Hi Cesare! Congrats on your 2019 accomplishments. Wishing you well on your project going forward. I have several self created IP's that I've been told I should take the graphic novel route first before attempting a movie/series but as a non-illustrator who thought only of it as a movie/series I didn't give it as much consideration as maybe I should have. You've inspired me to take another look at that option.

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