Introduce Yourself : Writer/Actor by Walter Andrew Carmona

Walter Andrew Carmona


Hi stage brothers and sisters. I'm Walter Carmona. I have been writing and acting for 30 years. Well, writing for 30, acting for fifteen. I studied with Rob Diamond in Utah and he was a student of Mickey Rooney. I have two books out and a screenplay for one of them is finished. The book with the screenplay is "The Revolution's Bride." It is historical fiction about the Cuban revolution based on Much research and my stepmother's memoirs. Who was she? None other than Norma Busot Ramos, engaged to Abel Santamaria, Fidel Castro's best friend and mentor. Norma was also their secretary in the Havana revolutionary office from 1946 to 1953. In 1953 Abel was killed in the famous Moncada Police Barracks raid in Santiago de Cuba. When My mother died My father sent me to Cuba and he followed and married Norma Busot. Long story short; the book is published. The screenplay is written. Now I need to get it produced. This story is like none other in that the story of the Cuban revolution is told through the eyes of those who were a part of it. Every detail is historically documentable and carefully researched. There is a second and third book. Book two is done; waiting for a publisher and book three of this exciting trilogy is being written. writing and acting are my passions. I have been in 10 movies as bad guys, cops and comedian. Anyone out there want a million dollar project to work on, this is it. Book is available on Amazon and Barnes& My other book also available at the same locations is "War and Rumors of War;" a military spy thriller.

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