Anything Goes : Self care for sensitive souls by Linda Summer

Linda Summer

Self care for sensitive souls

I fell into the Australian music scene a few months ago when a local music venue teetered on the edge of extinction after its booking/promo manager decided it was all too hard and walked out. This has reconnected me with various facets of the entertainment industry which has been fun to revisit, albeit as a healthy fringe dweller.

Parties, drugs, anxiety & depression battles and manic long hours are rife in the music industry and I have been able to support many kindred spirits along the way. Especially the fragile twenty-somethings.

This experience naturally reminded me of my crazy 20s in TV and Radio Land and inspired me to write an article about the importance of self-care for sensitive souls such as artists, writers, spirit mediums etc. If I knew what self-care was back in those heady days, I may have lasted a little longer.

C'est La Vie.

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