Led Bradshaw is a graphic artist, writer, and owner of Jetpulse Studios, an award-winning comic storybook publisher located in Brooklyn New York. Founded in 2018, Jetpulse Studios publishes it's flagship series titled, " The Adventures of Jake Jetpulse", a common book adventure series that was inspired by Led's soon Jacob who was diagnosed with Autism at age 3 11/2. Together, they create extraordinary stories that teach kids about autism. These incredibly books for kids are quickly becoming a must have for children of all ages.
Well done!
Thank you!
Awesome job! Good luck to you on your journey :)
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What a fantastic idea, and clearly it's working! Good luck to you. I teach at two colleges (music tech) and in recent years, it's typical for me to have at least one student who is on the spectrum every semester. I have seen that finding "the hook" to pull them into learning is crucial.
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That is great. Having a son in the spectrum, as well, I totally relate and the comic is an amazing way to reach out.
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That is so cool! Good luck!
Led this is really cool. It is true that a child is the best teacher.
Wow, that's amazing, best of luck with it all :)
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That's fantastic! Good luck for your project!
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Great idea!
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So cool.
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Thank you all so much!