Distribution : Micro-budget Indie Film Reviews? by Chuck Fresh

Chuck Fresh

Micro-budget Indie Film Reviews?

Looking for indie film reviews, and all I'm seeing are sites that seem to hate low-budget flicks. And to make things worse, some of these sites connect to Rotten Tomatoes, which shares those negative reviews in perpetuity. Has anyone figured out a solution for micro-budget indie film reviews? Thanks.

Tobi Ogunwande

Well, what do you expect? Unfortunately, that's just how rotten the environment is today. Personally, I love to give my unbiased review for a film if I am asked to. Today, I do that with a team of passionate filmmakers and reviewers. You give us the screener of the film, we watch and give you a comprehensive and blunt review of the film. Just go to www.festivilia.com click on the notification popup and you are done

Ramon Richardson

Distributor and agent claim the quality of my movie is poor, but the people that buy from me on DVD love it and cant wait for a part 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiXjkWee__k

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