Currently writing a sci-fi/drama feature about a female robot looking exactly like a human (like the T-800) but something is troubling me.
The idea is, i started referring to the robot as an "it" then as a "she" as the robot becomes more and more human.
However as i re-write and re-read, i feel it could confuse the reader and it has a repetitive effect, simply too many "it".
Therefore, in the action lines, should i refer as an "It" or as a "she" or else?
Any tips please?
Thanks guys and happy writing.
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Hey Loius. Well, this is just a suggestion, I can't substantiate it with anything except I've read books and scripts and stuff... and I think if she behaves more and more human, I'd call her an "it" simply because that's what she is. She doesn't suddenly become human at the end does she? If she doesn't become human... I suggest calling her an "it". She must either be acknowledged as a machine in the resolution or accepted as a human right? And... Artificial Intelligence. I just thought of a script with a similar premise. I'm going to post this so long... and check what Kubrick did to his script because he'll be a better source.
How about "She/It" (although those with a southern accent might find that amusing).
Why not give the character a feminine name and call her by her name? Alexa, Siri...
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Here's how Ted Sarafian did it on the page for Terminator 3
Camera slowly tilts up...revealing:
Feet. Petite and delicate. Slender ankles. Sculpted calfs.
Long sturdy thighs. Small waist. Toned arms. Beautiful tan
skin. Silky hair just past shoulder length. Eyes sizzling
brightly with emerald green. Bee-stung lips. Flawless face
structure. Genetically perfect, impossibly beautiful. Meet
Skynet's newest prototype — T-1G.
A BOWLER dries his hands, wiggling his fingers above a fan as
he waits for the pins to set up.
The automatic pin set-up machine lowers ten deformed pins, .
all of which have been mutilated by the sphere. The pins
tumble to the lane, unable to stand on their own.
The Yuppie reacts as he got a STRIKE without having to do
What the hell...
Just then, all eyes feast on T-1G who struts across the lanes
like a runway supermodel — COMPLETELY NAKED.
A MOTHER covers her son's bulging eyes. Beer-drinking
Bowlers straighten their greasy hair as the girl of their wet
dreams approaches.
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In Ex Machina, the robot or “conscious machine” is named “Ava” and is referred to as “she” in description. I would suggest naming the robot, and if modeled to be female then use “she” in description too. Perhaps to show change as the robot becomes more human, then show that evolution through the other characters’ reaction to her and that change. In dialogue, in the beginning, have characters refer to the robot as “it,” but after she starts to change and become more human their perception of her changes too and they start to use “she/her.” Just a thought. Hope that helps. ;)
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You know Louis, judging by the comments in this thread there is no set in stone way of doing it... I suggest calling her whatever has the best effect on the reader or the story then. And I just found out I don't watch enough robot movies.
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Thank you all for your tips, i actually gave her a name from the start but i wasn't actually quite sure about the personal pronoun. I know what i got to do now, strongly appreciate it guys!
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Names tend to make things clear to the reader verse "she" and "it."
Helps you stay consistent.