Introduce Yourself : New New guy! by Tommy Chandler

Tommy Chandler

New New guy!

Hey there! My name’s Tommy! I’m really excited to be surrounded by so much talent! I’m very new this. I don’t have the creditials that most of you have, but I we do share one thing, and that’s the passion we have to succeed! I just submitted my FIRST pitche EVER for an animation idea that I literally wake up thinking about every morning! So cross your fingers for me! 

I graduated from Full Sail Univeristy with a Bachelor’s Degree in digital arts and design. If you have the time, take a look at my ever changing portfolio! 

You guys, this has been awesome finding Stage 32! The community is amazing and I can’t wait to hear from all ya’ll!

Joy Cheriel Brown

Hi, Tommy! Welcome! Can you tell us more about how the pitch went?

Richard "RB" Botto

Everyone starts somewhere, Tommy. That's one of the many reasons I built this platform, to give creatives of ALL experience levels the opportunity to share and support. I can tell you straight up, you have the foundation for what it takes to succeed, namely passion and a positive mindset. You're going to fit in famously around these parts!

Tommy Chandler

Joy Cheriel Brown The pitch is today at 1 with Elisha Yaffe. I had to do the written pitch because I’ll be at wedding during the pitch. I’m nervous/excited! Honestly I’ll need the wedding as a distraction to calm my anxiety haha But, I’ll let you know how it went! Have you done any pitches?

Tommy Chandler

Richard "RB" Botto Thank you so much for the welcome arms! One of the reasons I joined Stage 32 is because I needed to start somewhere. I don’t live in a town where I can make connections in the industry, and this seemed like a great place to go! I definitely feel like I made a right decsion to join! The positivity here is overwhelming in the best way!!

Joy Cheriel Brown

Yes, I have done pitches, but I have since switched to producing my own work, but technically, it still is pitching when you are building your team for a project. There was a book I read that helped with that. I’ll give you the title when I get back home.

Richard "RB" Botto

You made my morning, Tommy. Thank you. And you hit upon one of the many reasons I started this platform, so that creatives all around the world can have instant and constant access to other like-minded creatives so they feel connected and supported at all times. Finally, congratulations on your written pitch! I don't know if you've had the chance to speak to Jason (our Director of Script Services) directly, but never hesitate to drop him a line at - He loves working with and guiding writers. Cheers!

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Nice energy, welcome Tommy!

Joy Cheriel Brown

Hi, Tommy. I know I told you I would get back to you with the name of the book about pitching. The book that I found in my personal library is:

“Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds: The Guaranteed Way To Get Your Screenplay or Novel Read” by Michael Hauge.

Tommy Chandler

Joy Cheriel Brown oh fantastic!! I’m going to look this up! Thank you so much!

Onyi Ononye

WOW YOU'RE AN ANIMATOR it's an honor

Joy Cheriel Brown

You’re very welcome, Tommy! Let me know if you help with anything else.

Annette F Hummell

Selling in 60 seconds sounds great.

Jason Mirch

Hey Tommy! Great to have you here! I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. Right before joining Stage 32, I was producing an animated feature film. Man that's a ton of work and I so appreciate your talent and passion. Keep it up man!

Tommy Chandler

Jason Mirch Ahh the dream is to produce an animated feature film! I'm really into episodic style stuff, so as of right now, I'm just trying to get a pilot off haha And the work with that is crazy! So I can only imagine the work an ENTIRE film takes! But, thank you so much for having a platform like this! I praise this site to all my creative friends haha

Tommy Chandler

Onyi Ononye ANIMATORS UNITE! haha It's the medium that help keeps up my pep! Just something about seeing something that was in your head and moving...AH there's nothing like it! Except maybe WaWa's mashed potatoes! lol

Tommy Chandler

Joy Cheriel Brown I told you I'd let you know how my written pitch went when I got the results- well I don't think I did too bad!

5- delivery and format

3- clarity and pitch

4- set up of protagonists/world

3-obstacles and conflict

4- originality of concept

4- strength of voice

He said, "I was onto something and that it feels more like an animated feature." But he ended up passing. Which is fine because the feedback was something special!

So, I'm riding this thing out and building on that!

I'm... so excited! I'm literally almost in tears!!

Joy Cheriel Brown

Awesome! Congrats! Thanks so much for sharing.

Tommy Chandler

Hey there, Nick Eff ! Thanks for stoppin in to say hello! :) How ya doin?

Chad Stroman


Tasha Lewis

Welcome! Congratulations on your first pitch!

Tommy Chandler

I'm really trying to be as social and talk to everyone that's posted! Thank you guys! You really know how to make a guy feel welcome!

Tasha Lewis Thank you! That feedback helped so much! I actually just sent in a third draft to Script Counseling to get more of a thorough feedback to help kind of put the gas in the jet on my project, ya know lol

Tasha Lewis

When you get your feedback, incorporate the comments in work and role play.

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