Hi, my name is Barry and I'm an incurable Cineholic. I started out as a collector of all things film and entered the entertainment world at the age of fourteen as a projectionist. My boss and his area manager fostered my passion, but fate had another direction in mind. I joined the Royal Australian Air Force and became a military police dog handler/trainer. Somewhere in the thirteen years I served I managed to find work on a few TVCs and got onto the set of Escape from Absolom as an extra. In nineteen-ninety-three I left the services and began the slow process of building an acting and screenwriting career. I currently have two features in development with a fantastic producer and two graphic novels rating through the roof on Amazon. If you've seen Spartacus you'll have seen some of my work. in front of the camera I have an itch to do a western as the black hat, so hit me up if you're riding the same trail.
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Hi Barry! Name's Ivan and it is quite an awesome thing to make your acquaintance. I do recognize you as Lugo from Spartacus. Fantastic show! Lol pardon my ignorance but what does it mean to do a western as the black hat?
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Hello Barry! Fellow hopeless cineholic here as well. I started out cleaning theatres and selling at the box office and concessions stands. I'd definitely be interested in learning more about what you have in development (provided you're allowed to share it here). I've never made a western, but would certainly be interested in theright opportunity. You'd be a great black hat!
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Also, Ivan: Black hat is generally a term for the villain in a Western film.
Sorry guys haven't been on in a while. Black hat is the villain, Ivan. I'm in development on a thriller set in the Northern Territory of Australia called The Nowhere Man. and a horror set in the South China sea called Hellion Rising. Both are being produced by Lucinda Bruce and I can't sing her praises highly enough.
Right now the entire country of New Zealand is in total lockdown and we're self-isolating. Luckily I have a contract screenplay to work on.
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Ivan, Spartacus was an incredible experience and that cast and crew family bond is still tight.
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Brian, westerns are a passion of mine. Rio Bravo is still in my top twenty films of all time.
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Did you catch the gun spinning video I posted?
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Wow, what a cool background! A military police dog handler? My background that led me to this point is being a physical therapist specializing in patients with traumatic brain injuries, cognitive deficits, and psychiatric disorders, so if you ever want to collaborate on a mentally-ill film I'm in. ;)
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A Western? I've been planning to do one for a long time ever since I saw Back to the Future Part 3. :)
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Back to the Future - Great trilogy!
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Heidi, very intense background there. I played a special needs character once in The Brokenwood Mysteries and it was a rewarding experience.
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Really? Was it hard to play a special needs character?
My day job is in a gym and I was lucky enough to take groups of special needs, young adults, through twice-weekly workouts. I took two of the boys' characteristics and used them to create my character, Simon.