I'm working on a one-man produced, animated, narrated and edited sci-fi cartoon animated series (target: teenagers and adults alike), and I'll hopefully finish the pilot some time in Q1 of this year. Now I'm wondering what to do with it.
YouTube has proven itself to be completely hopeless for monetizing animation content now with their COPPA update (or as I call it the COP-OUT update…).
Vimeo charges 20 bucks/month if you want to sell movies on their on demand platform and looking at how hard it is to find anything on there I'm wondering if anybody really makes any money there…
I've recently discovered you can also publish your own movies/series on Amazon via Amazon Video Central, which looks quite promising (has anyone used it? How is it?).
What are other options? Just put your series up on FilmHub hoping that any of the larger distribution channels will grab it? Submit it to film festivals first and distribute later?
I do have a day job which is well paid, so I don't depend on any income from this pet project of mine, but of course one can dream and it would be awesome if I ever could make a living of what I truly love.
Any tips on distribution and monetizing content would be appreciated!
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Amazon is relatively easy to set up, but prime only pays pennies. Start with buy/rental to see if you get traction. I’m going to try Filmhub on an upcoming project, but haven’t got an informed opinion on it yet.