Introduce Yourself : Director based in Guadalajara, Mexico. land of Tequila by Jose Miguel Padilla Gonzalez

Jose Miguel Padilla Gonzalez

Director based in Guadalajara, Mexico. land of Tequila

Hi! I'm a director with a 20 plus year career in the advertising and corporate industry. Last year I embarked in the entertainment industry by producing and directing a thriller/horror TV series. It had a great audience response, and now I'm working on season 2 and a parallel series project. I look forward to hear from you and maybe collaborate in a near future.

Catarina De Cèzanne

Hola Jose, nice to meet another artist who speaks spanish. What is the title of your thriller/horror tv series / or what is it about?

Jose Miguel Padilla Gonzalez

Hola Catarina, gusto conocerte también. La serie se llama 13 Minutos Antes de Dormir. Es la historia de un niño que sufre visiones aterradoras que están relacionadas con leyendas de terror Mexicanas.

Allen Lynch

Hi Jose & Congratulations on the success of your TV series!

William Bloomfield

Hola Jose , I'm in Playa del Carmen for another 6 weeks (my Espanol is getting better, but not conversational yet...). Congrats on the show. I''d definitely like to hear about your progress and connect at some point.

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