It is impossible for a writer, consciously or unconsciously, to project their personality into one of the characters in their screenplay.
The question for you is do you incorporate yourself into protagonists, antagonists or supporting characters?
Alfred Hitchcock assigned himself a completely unimportant role in every film, even if he only went through the frame.
Who are you in your script?
Depends on the script. I've written ones where the main character is based on myself, others parts of my personality are injected into a minor character. Some I don't see myself in any of the characters, though I'm sure those who know me would disagree.
In my scripts, I'm mostly a bad guy!
This helps me to make the story hero's job as difficult as possible.
I think for a good story it is necessary for the writer to be as harsh as possible towards his main character.
What do you think?
No and Yes because I write television and screen many characters are parallel reflections sensationalized, unsensationalized and in a rarity true.
That is the truth of fantasy, adventure, action, drama and comedy whereas stories of total realism are not my forte'.
Stories of realism I suspect might use those parallels in a different mannerism.
I always found it interesting that many successes are about stories individuals like surprised at their own reflective awareness.
I suppose ideally I'd like to be that person perhaps or perhaps not personified.
Yeah. That's who I am in my stories.
Michael, But whether you like it or not, your personality will surely be reflected through some of the characters you create, right?
None. My characters are always based off people that I know. That way it allows me to watch them and be objective with my stories. Something bad happens to them, something bad happens.
Anthony, You're the exception!
All my fellow writers incorporate a part of themselves into their characters. The other characters are, of course, the characters they meet every day in the store, on the street, at work ...
Well yeah.
I suppose you got me there Steven because as the writer I am the creator as are any of us.
As creators our own essence cannot be ignored.
Why this is though is because no screenwriter worth a damn can be entirely generic.
Perhaps total separation from character is generic thinking versus separatist thinking.
I also believe what your saying is just a dynamic in craft deep but non-esoteric in thinking all good screenwriters play with.
We think and philosophize on each word penned.
Michael, There is no objective writing, painting, sculpting ... Every artist, whether consciously or not consciously incorporates himself. The thing is, how aware he is!
I always tend to see myself at the main character. I guess I just like the 1st person perspective. With that being said I feel like there's a little bit of me in every character
In my dream life I am the main character but when I get into the reality of writing is it the supporting characters. Because...well in real life I am just a supporting character anyways. LOL
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I definitely write main characters I like and/or identify with. But i've also found that being empathetic towards them, rather than trying to be them, works better for me as a storyteller. I do my best to sit in the passenger's seat and understand my character's motivations from their point of view.
My 'personality' tends to show up in the humor, the overall style, mood and other stylistic elements of the script. Though I can name at least one exception where I did use my traits as the basis for a character...Probably won't be the last.
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Great question. I think I've put a little bit of myself into my main character and I have also given her traits that I would really like to have. My screenplay is based on the true story of my Great Grandparents, so I like to think I'm like my Great Grandmother :)
I use some of the traits and flaws of my character and personality, to share them generosuly with all cast of characters - but I also love to do people watching and deep analysis of their motives, to add some dimensions to the characters personalities. I'm the one who mostly do not use a mobile in social situations - watching and observing interactions between people. Love for social sciences made these observations more easy, however I try to keep open mind, and be prepared for anything, that can happen. While writing, I use observed traits and make them bigger, so they could be easily spotted by readers.
Which of your personal attributes do you most easily attribute to your characters, good or bad?
Rosalind, What kind of person was your grandmother?
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I leave pieces of me in every character I create - whether it's about the feelings I had at a temp job I had, a relationship I once had or summer I lived through (happy or sad) --- but every character comes from a part of my past (and may experience something a friend or family member had experienced).
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Genevieve, I agree with you. In every character we create, whether we like it or not, we as writers leave a part of ourselves. Part of our own personality, memories, emotions ...
I adore upgrading my own character with some traits I don't have and then following how I act as a brand new character. It's amazing what can be born of that game!
Have you imagined yourself to be the worst possible villain?
Isn't it a good idea to be the worst character in your own script?
Hi Stevan, I never thought of adding myself as the villain. But my protag is often her own worst enemy.
Not impossible. What if your screenplay is about yourself?
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Michael Hauge said that screenplays are often an extension of the writer. There is always a part of us in the stories we write. When I thought back on it, he was right. lol
It's usually the other way around for me. When i'm writing the main character's personalities project themselves into my head and I live in a world skewed by their thinking until I finish the script and am free of their presence.
Depends on my mood when I'm conceiving the story. Sometimes I'm the lead, sometimes I'm a supporter. Sometimes I'm a background entity.
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All of them :)...yes, writer is supposed to be somewhat of split personality type otherwise it won't work.