Introduce Yourself : Eagerly Grabbing the Shorts End of the Stick (so to speak) by James P Gleason

James P Gleason

Eagerly Grabbing the Shorts End of the Stick (so to speak)

Hi Folks! I made a pretty ambitious student film (ANTEBODY), but nothing since then. I'm getting antsy to make something new. I'm gearing up to get some horror shorts off the ground in coming months. Anybody want to come out and play? Hard? (BTW - I could really use a producer)

Jennifer M Emett

Hi James! I love horror projects! Let me know if I could audition for any age appropriate roles.

James P Gleason

Thanks for your interest, Jennifer. Horror can be fun, but trying to find crew? Horrors! I’ll look at casting more once I have my core team set up. Talk soon!

John Ellis

Hi, James! I'm an experienced AD, if you are interested. I'm in Reno, so there's some logistics there. I do script breakdowns, schedules, DOOD, call sheets and so on. And I run the set with calm efficiency. Let me know if I can help.

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