I've had a bit of a self-realization recently that I'm more of an 'idea man' than the screenwriter I thought I was. I love coming up with ideas for movies and TV shows, but that's always as far as I get. I hope to there's someone here who can level with me to some extent and possibly get some of my ideas off the ground.
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@Max Start jotting down log line, synopsis and theme. Execute your story idea by writing it out yourself first instance. We often hear “here say” ideas when out socialising but a purely vocal input, can be interpreted many different ways.
deep down you really have to concentrate and write.
Looking back on things i've written years ago, I definitely focused more on concept than anything. It's one thing to have a great logline but quite another to know how to fill your script with interesting events that lead up to the big reveal. Action beats, act structure and Dan Harmon's Story Circle are a few concepts that are helping me understand how to organize my big ideas into a rhythmic pace...Now I'm starting to understand why there are so many writers in writer's rooms for TV shows. There's a lot of factors when it comes to making a story engaging. Not just the concept/idea. It's a process.