Introduce Yourself : Chris Bath by Chris Bath

Chris Bath

Chris Bath

Nice to meet fellow artists here! My name is Chris and have been involved in acting for 5 years now. I was originally represented by Gage Talent in Knoxville, TN and now represented by Screen Artists Talent in Asheville, NC. To date, I have acted in numerous tv projects along with 2 commercials and recently landed my first film role. My goal here is to continue to make connections with other creatives. It has been a great experience being a part of the entertainment industry and want to continue to be a part of it as long as possible!

Taylor C. Baker

Hello Chris Bath! Nice to meet a fellow actor and lover of North Carolina :) So happy to have you in our community! Their are tons of great acting webinars here on Stage 32 that have really helped me

Chris Bath

Hi Taylor, I am living in East Tennessee at this time but my agency is based on Asheville. It's a beautiful city. I plan on moving there in the near future to be closer to be my agency and my colleagues. Nice to meet you here and wish you well in your career endeavors!

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